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your newsletter through me too a curveball that’s been bouncing around in my head ever since. It’s a philosophy, a mindset shift, a radical way of redefining success not as a solitary sprint but as a collective marathon - brilliant.

What if -as a first step -

- CEOs looks for a company and both are actively contributing to each others success

- people look for friends in their surrounding to actively contribute to their success

- What if we could create a momentum, which boosts mentoring, sharing knowledge without reservation, and celebrating each other’s wins as if they were our own.

- what if that momentum is creating an ecosystem where success breeds success, where one person’s win lights a path for others to follow.

- what if your newsletter - I posted it in linked in - creates such an enthusiasm, hundreds of people want to join your challenge and create networks.

Wouldnt it be good to have a word for that wonderful frame of mind, so once you say that word, everybody knows, what it is all about? Have you got an idea?

and wouldnt it be great to have a digital point, where peole can exchange their experience and learn from each other ?

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